Monday, September 4, 2017

Wow!  It has been a long time hasn't it??!!!!  I was thinking maybe it had been since February!!  Little did I realize but time is fleeting - especially the older we get!!

Where to start?  As they sung in the Sound of Music..."Let's start at the very beginning.."  2017 that is!

I try to keep a "photo" record of all of the jobs I do and it looks like I finished the year up with this one...
 And started the New Year Off with this one!

The next one I started went on and came back off after discussion with the "quilt maker" - it was decided that the border needed to be changed to a different style so it went home for a remodel!

Next up was this baby - and when I say "baby" it isn't referring to a crib size!

I have a 12 foot frame and let me tell you, this took almost every bit of it!  And if you are wondering, this is to be custom quilted!  When I have a custom job, I have to study on it awhile - even if it takes several days!  And yes, some will say I'm losing money by the minute with the quilt just sitting, literally taking up space!  I can only say, I'm not in it to make money - my goal is to (hopefully) give the quilt top an added dimension, to help bring it to life for whomever may be receiving it!

So, you can decided if the goal was accomplished with this one!


This takes me through the end of February - stay tuned for the continuing saga!  😊😊😊😊
Have a wonderful day!!!