Sunday, July 17, 2016

Good morning!

I hope everyone has had a nice week since last visiting!

Mine has been challenging to say the least!  For those living in this area, I hope the storm Thursday evening caused no damage!  We lost power around 6 p.m. and was still off when I left Friday morning for work!  Showering with a flashlight is such fun!!!  Then to add  insult to injury, the power was off at work!  The system switches over to emergency power so we are functional, but again, working by flashlight and the light from one window between the two workrooms is challenging!!

View from the door walking in!

Reflection from the window on the refrigerator & freezer
The instruments are on emergency power but the computers that operate them aren't, so out came the extension cords!  On a good day with all of the instrumentation in the lab, the temperature can be temperamental.  Well, Friday it was having a tantrum!!  Hot, hot, hot!  Multiple fans helped swirl the hot air around but we took what we could get!!!  Many thanks to Arkansas Quilters Guild for the use of the power cords and strip that I keep stored in the office!!  Power was finally restored Friday night at work and all was well when I went in Saturday morning!

Must keep the instruments cool!

When did ours come on at home?....Noonish on Saturday!  Thank heaven for modern conveniences!!!

Until next time,

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Good morning!

I'm still here!!  I know it's been quite a long time since I've last posted!  What can I say but "life happens"!

I have been able to work in some customer quilting jobs since I last wrote....

Client made quilt using blocks embroidered by her mother-in-law.
Quilt is for a grandson's wedding present.

A simple but effective quilt pattern!

A lovely fun quilt!!

I couldn't take a picture of the whole quilt (on a king size bed to boot) so
you'll have to use your imagination!!!

Another charity quilt for AQG

Until next time...Happy quilting!!!