Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful time at AWOL last weekend!  For those of you who might not know what AWOL means (as a quilting reference), it stands for Arkansas Women (and men too) on the Loose.  It is a 3 day quilting retreat where we can work on projects without interruption from the day to day demands at home!!

We had 35 quilters attend the event and hopefully, they all left feeling like they accomplished something!!!

I didn't get as much done on my project as I'd hoped - it doesn't help when you are a 1/2 yd short of background fabric for the setting triangles!! ARRGHH!  I'm sure something like that has never happened to any of you!!

Obviously I till have a lot of work left but I made a big dent in it!!!

Until next time - happy quilting!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Upcoming events: Arkansas Quilters Guild (AQG) hosting Dawn Heese for 2 workshops and lecture, March 12-14 

AWOL aka Arkansas Women (and guys too) On the Loose - a quilting retreat sponsored by AQG, March 18-20 

Happy Quilting!